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Affiliate Marketing

    Hi there from Clickworld, with an introductory lesson on Affiliate Marketing..
Affiliate marketing basically means getting commission for pushing a sale or in the case of EPC(earn per click) getting commission from inviting people of traffic to a blog or website.
  There are stream's of niches under affiliate marketing and it goes on and on from •Products
There are also different types of products ranging from:
-Skin care products
-House hold products
-Digital content and lots more
Also let me just dive a bit into more and me move on
You earn commission by sharing or inviting traffic to a company or brand or website where services are being made..and lots more...
  Now,let's move to today's issue,
Withmy recent researches and lots of questions, I've come up with some tips to get started
1.Sit down and think of your motive behind affiliate marketing;
   This is because ur motive behind affiliate marketing will give u the drive to push forth, to fight to get to the top of your dreams,and also not to give up,I won't lie to you it will get bumpy and only the zealous fellow can stand his ground and be like,e.g"I'm into affiliate to earn a living giving others the opportunity to have/earn passive income from their bed"and stay strong.
2.this one is to be involved, start something no matter how small,you could start with clickbank,or jvzoo through my link or start afresh... Don't worry bout nothing, just start.
3.Get a mentor,this person will help groom you, help you to be who you want to be and be on the look out,find a good mentor.also an addition value is I'm starting my mentorship training for affiliate marketing very soon..
4.Trust the process,if you have faith trust in God, the road is about to get bumpy..success takes determination and zeal from a person persistently aiming at his dream....
5.ask questions, ask any kind of questions,You could ask mW in the comment section, don't worry I gat you..Ask Questions, matter how hard or odd it sounds.
   Thanks guys it's a rap for today,don't worry I'd be hitting you up with more content, and also info about my mentorship training. Stay blessed


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